للاسف تم ايقاف تطوير برنامج GBWhatsApp لاني تلقيت رسالة اخيرة من شركة الواتساب ، اعتذر منكم جميعا كان وقت جميل جدا?
*GBWhatsApp Shuts Down*
We are really sorry to announce that we have completely stopped the development of GBWhatsApp.
It was a great time with all you people.
— Omar ‘أتنفس هواك’ (@atnfas_hoak) August 1, 2019
The tweet above is from the developer of GBWhatsapp.
The developer of the popular third party Whatsapp client, GBWhatsapp, announced that he had completely stopped any further developments for the client. This means that there will be no further updates to the app and don’t expect any new versions from him. This will let the app to go obsolete once the time reaches and all those who will still be using this Whatsapp mod will be required to switch back to the official Whatsapp version.
This is a big blow to many Android OS users since GBWhatsapp was only available for use on Android devices only but was downloadable from the official Google Play store, users could only install by side loading the apk file.
Many features will be missed including hiding blue ticks (read receipt) to the recipient yet sender could see their blue ticks, hiding second ticks, hiding status view, hiding typing status, freezing last seen, scheduled status updates, automatic responses, customised themes, sending HD quality media files, status updates of up to 7 minutes, sending up to 100 attachments while sharing media and many more customisations. Some of the above features meant that you could read someone’s message and they could not notice as they will still be seeing one tick and your last seen would be stuck in the past, so you would not be under pressure to reply to some people. Only reply when you wish to.
Is Telegram The Next Big Thing?
From the time of the big announcement from the GBWhatsapp developer, I have noticed a huge number of people joining an instant messaging app known as Telegram Messenger. The few people I managed to talk to intimated to me that the main reason they joined Telegram is because of the better privacy options as compared to Whatsapp. Telegram has the option of starting a secret chat with someone and with this, you can set a timer after which the message is automatically deleted from both the sender and the receiver, you get notified whenever the person on the other side of the chat takes a screenshot of your conversation, you can set an app pass code that locks out unauthorised access to your chats, Telegram groups have a much bigger capacity compared to Whatsapp plus a lot more features.

You can give Telegram Messenger a try on any of their available versions whether for PC, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Mac/ Linux.

A passionate tech enthusiast with a love for cybersecurity, web development, and all things tech. A dedicated Liverpool FC supporter and country music fan, always exploring the latest in digital security and innovation.