Ivan Luyimbazi

I’m obsessed with technology, human potential and computing. I have a life philosophy that basically revolves around doing. I’m not content to just sit around and wait for things to happen; I make them happen. I believe half of success is just showing up or speaking out, and that the other half is actually having something to show. I’m committed to personal development, and I’m obsessed with all the amazing new stuff that’s coming out everyday.


Cardless Teller To Save Us From Gloomy Faces

Just the other day i went to one of the banks around town to make a deposit via the usual ATM machine, walked into the room and my card could not be accepted by the machine. Left the room almost mad, that’s when the security guard said that there was a better machine inside the banking but I had insisted, telling him that I wasn’t ready to see any gloomy face to spoil my day. I finally walked in and was led to this new Cardless Automated Teller machine

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